New Client Form
If you are interested in bringing in an artwork, object or taonga in for review or becoming a new client, we ask that you fill out the information below. We offer one hour free of charge to review the item and provide an estimate for services.
In this hour we spend 30 minutes doing a brief condition assessment to identify the areas of the item that need attention and go over options with you. For items that do not require special consideration, we use the remainder of the time to provide an electronic quote for you to review. Unless there are unique circumstances, we request you take the item with you again until the quote is submitted.
If you have more than one item that is a different material, we may need to charge for any additional time spent, but we will endeavour to capture as much information as possible in our meeting with you.
If you have a project or item that needs special consideration (i.e. includes design time, has multiple material types or components that each need addressing or present especially challenging circumstances), we may need to charge for the additional time.
We can chat about this beforehand if you have any concerns and we don’t want this to be an impediment to you coming to see us!
Lastly, we respect your privacy. Just as we meticulously care for heritage artifacts, we protect your information with the same dedication and respect. Please see our Privacy Policy page for more details on how we use your information.