Archaeology Support Services
Our studio, based in New Plymouth, is equipped to quickly and efficiently process any number or type of find. The services we can offer include:
Block lifts or excavation of fragile or diagnostic objects
Specialist advice and treatment for wet or waterlogged materials
Digital photography
Technical analysis
Material culture research
Temporary and long-term storage (controlled or uncontrolled environment)
Tikanga for taonga based on consultation
Box-making for bespoke or diagnostic items
Located outside of Taranaki? No problem! Finds can be shipped, delivered in person or picked up from the site.
Because we have the supplies, equipment, people and space already in place! No more finds filling up your home office, kitchen table or trunk while they are waiting to be processed. Send us bags and we will return them in a neatly inventoried, documented and boxed up form. Need more convincing? We’d love to help and we can offer:
Ability to host you or your assistant to process the finds yourself. Contact us for more information. Limited capacity. Based on first come, first serve so let us know if you are thinking this could be you!
Oversight of the processing by Cultural Materials Conservator, Susanne Rawson, who is a Full Member of NZCCM (peer-reviewed), Fellow of AIC (peer-reviewed) and Member of NZAA so you can be sure the finds are receiving the utmost care. All of our staff are members of NZCCM and abide by the Code of Ethics.
Our collective knowledge base which includes reference libraries and access to analytical facilities and partners. Susanne has over 17 years experience in inventorying, processing and documenting material culture of all types and she has a wide network of service providers. She also offers Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Elemental Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis.
Basic microscopy, testing and analysis available on site.
Professional conservator on site for any diagnostic or fragile materials.
Finds are kept in a clean, modern and safe environment.
Daily monitoring to ensure the finds are in stable condition.
Interior unloading for poor weather conditions or sensitive materials.
Taonga are stored seperate from noa areas abiding by any protocols discussed.
Convenient location in Westown, New Plymouth. Easy to fly in or have finds delivered.
Reach out through our contact page or email us and we’ll touch base about the next step!